Show taskbar on all displays in Windows 11

Show taskbar on all displays in Windows 11

If you are using Windows 11 and add a second monitor to extend the display, the taskbar should also appear on the second monitor.

By default, when you add a second display in Windows 11, the taskbar only appears on the primary or standard display. If you want to see the taskbar on both displays, you need to adjust settings in Windows 11. This is how it works.

Show taskbar on all monitors

Right-click on the start button. Click on Settings in the menu. Click on Personal settings. Then click on Taskbar.

Taskbar settings in Windows 11

Click Taskbar Behavior.

Taskbar behavior

If you want to show the taskbar on all monitors connected to this computer, enable the following option “Show my taskbar on all monitors”.

Show my taskbar on all displays

This option only works when both or more monitors are connected.

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    1. Hello, then the second monitor is not detected. Here you will find more information:

  1. Hi Stefan, I also work with Windows 11. However, this will have been considerably adjusted because the above option to show the taskbar on all screens no longer seems to exist. Is that right? Or is it somewhere else?



    1. Hello, this option still exists, and I have updated Windows 11 with the latest version. Check for Windows updates and update Windows 11, you may miss an update.
      Greetings, Stefan

  2. Hello, nice informative site that I randomly came across. Particularly in my search for how to set up the taskbar. Now I wanted to select show my taskbar on all screens but that is not possible. I read above that this option only works if both or more monitors are connected. Do I understand correctly that you must have at least two monitors connected?
    Thanks in advance for your response.

    1. Hello Aedriaen, thank you for your message. That's right, at least two displays, both must be detected by Windows. After connecting, the option “Show my taskbar on all displays” will become visible. Greetings, Stefan

  3. Hallo,
    Just installed W11 and I notice that on my second screen the taskbar no longer pops up automatically (it does on the first screen), but that an extra mouse click is needed to make the taskbar visible here. The taskbar on the second screen will remain there until I click again.
    Normal (W10 and even now on the first screen) behavior is that the taskbar automatically disappears after a second. Is this normal W11 behavior or am I missing a setting somewhere?

    Greetings from Den Bosch

      1. This will be a bug in Windows 11. Certain bugs are resolved by Microsoft automatically with updates. There is no setting available for this that I can advise you on.
        Greetings, Stefan

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