Disable maximized window dragging in Windows 11 or 10

Disable maximized window dragging in Windows 11 or 10

When you make a window larger by maximizing it on the screen, you can move it to another screen by clicking on the title bar.

In some cases you may want to avoid being able to move the maximized window. This is the case, for example, if you want to freeze certain windows on a full-screen monitor.

By making a change to the Windows registry, you can prevent a maximized window from being moved by dragging it to another monitor.

Disable maximized window dragging in Windows 11 or 10

To begin open the Windows registry. Open the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Right-click on “Desktop” and click “New” and then “DWORD 32-bit Value”. Name this value “DragFromMaximize” and set the value data to “0”.


In some cases, the value “DragFromMaximize” already exists. Then change the value data to “0” to disable moving a maximized window.

By changing the value data back to “1” you make it possible to move a maximized window again. After restarting the computer, make the change active.

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