Enable or disable airplane mode in Windows 11

Enable or disable airplane mode in Windows 11

Airplane Mode gives you a quick way to disable all wireless communications on your Windows 11 PC.

Some examples of wireless communication are Wi-Fi, mobile communications, Bluetooth, GPS and Near Field Communication (NFC). For example, disabling all wireless communication via airplane mode is useful on an airplane, but also in an environment where you do not want Wi-Fi or other wireless communication to be allowed.

Airplane mode can also help keep the... to save battery, because a PC does not have to consume extra power to Find Wi-Fi signals, connect and forward to nearby networks or, for example, cell towers.

There are two ways to disable airplane mode in Windows 11. The first is through the settings and the second is through the quick settings in the notification area.

Enable or disable airplane mode in Windows 11

Right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on Settings. On the left side, first click on Network and Internet and then on airplane mode.

Change the airplane mode to “on” to enable airplane mode. You will immediately see that “Wi-Fi” is turned off. All wireless communications will now be stopped immediately.

Enable airplane mode in Windows 11

It is also possible to quickly enable or disable airplane mode via the quick settings. To do this, click on the network time and power icon to the left of the time and date in the taskbar.

The quick settings menu will now open. Then click on “airplane mode” to immediately enable or disable airplane mode. Again, all wireless communications will be immediately lost.

Read also
Change selected text color in Windows 11

Enable or disable airplane mode from the quick settings

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. A miscreant here at home was kind enough to turn on airplane mode on my computer.
    Then I can no longer connect to my screen with my wireless mouse and keyboard. So I wouldn't know how to cancel this airplane mode.
    I have turned off and restarted the computer several times, but nothing helps. The lock screen does appear on the screen, but at the bottom right there is a neat little airplane and nothing else.
    Do you know a solution for this?

    1. Hello, you can disable airplane mode by clicking on it, but if a wireless mouse/keyboard does not connect, then that is not possible. So you need a cheap USB mouse. Connect this mouse to a USB port, borrow it from other people if necessary, and exit airplane mode by clicking on the airplane icon. After this you can reconnect everything wirelessly.

      1. Hi Stephen,
        Thank you very much for this simple, but effective solution.
        It has now been done and it all works again.
        Thank you very much!
        Nice weekend.

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