Restore previous driver in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Restore previous driver in Windows 11 or Windows 10

A driver is software that creates a connection between the hardware in or connected to the computer and the operating system.

Updating a driver regularly can help resolve problems with hardware associated with the operating system. In some cases it can also cause problems, for example if you use software will update the drivers. In that case, an incorrect driver is installed and the hardware no longer works.

To solve driver problems quickly and easily, Microsoft has added an option in the operating system to restore a driver.

The recently installed driver will be replaced by the old driver. You can do this via device manager on a Windows 11 as a Windows 10 PC.

Restore previous driver in Windows 11 or Windows 10

To begin open device manager. Right-click on the device for which you want to restore the previous driver. Then click on “properties” in the menu.

Open device properties

Click on the “driver” tab and click on “restore driver” button.

Use the previously installed driver if the device is after the update the driver no longer works.

Previous driver

Now select a reason for reverting to the previous driver and click “Yes” to confirm.

A previous version of the driver will now be reinstalled. Hopefully this will resolve the driver issue.

If the “restore driver” button is not available, you can always download a previous version of it Download and install driver yourself. It takes some searching to find which version and which manufacturer. Always download drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

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