Disable password after sleep in Windows 10

Disable password after sleep in Windows 10

If you have set a password for your Windows 10 user account, your Windows 10 PC will ask you for a password after waking up from sleep mode.

Many Windows 10 users want to disable password prompts after sleep. If you are the only user of the PC, having to constantly enter the password is downright annoying.

In Windows 10 you can also disable the password request when you wake the computer from sleep mode. So you no longer have to log in after sleep mode. You can adjust this via the settings, this is how it works.

Disable password after sleep in Windows 10

Right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on Settings. Then click on Accounts in the settings.

Accounts settings in Windows 10

On the left, first click on Login Options. In the sign-in options, change the “Require sign-in” setting to “Never”.

Require password after disabling sleep in Windows 10

There is no more concern now password requested when you wake the Windows 10 PC from sleep mode. Take care of that too dynamic locking is turned off.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Read here how to do it Can disable password after sleep in Windows 11.

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