When was the last time Windows 11 or 10 was shut down?

When was the last time Windows 10 or 11 was shut down?

The shutdown actions of a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer are recorded in a log “Event viewer”.

If you want to know when Windows last shut down, you can view the log and search for a specific “Event ID”.

Each shutdown action stores an event ID in the Windows log. You can filter these IDs to determine the reason why Windows shut down.

When was the last time Windows 11 or 10 was shut down?

Click on the Start button. In the search window type: logbook. Then open the log. First click on “Windows Logs” and then on “System”.

System events in the Windows log

On the right side in the “Actions” click on “Filter current log”. Make sure you have selected the “System” log.

Filter current log

There are several IDs you can filter by to determine when and especially why Windows shut down.

You can search for each ID by selecting the field “Filter current log”. ” with the event id. If you want to search within a specific time period, you can adjust the “Registered” field to the desired time period.

Filter current log

These are the following IDs that are interesting to know when and why Windows shut down.


Event ID 41 is an ID that is created when Windows is shut down due to an error message or a sudden loss of power.

Event ID 41 in log


Event ID 1074 is a restart due to an app. For example, if a restart is required to complete the installation, or if Windows Update needs to complete an update, you will see event ID 1074.

Event ID 1074 in log


If the computer is shut down by the user in the normal way via the Start button, for example, you will see event ID 6006 in the log with the message “The Event Log service has stopped.”

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Event ID 6006 in log


If the computer shuts down unexpectedly for no apparent reason, you will see event ID 6008. To assess this event ID, you will need to inspect the computer itself and examine several log files. This is a more general message that the computer has shut down for an unknown reason.

Event ID 6008 in log

You can also combine all these event IDs by entering them separated by a comma in the “ ” field. This way you can filter all IDs related to a shutdown action of the computer.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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