Enable, disable, or change Windows 10 startup (or shutdown) sound

Enable, disable, or change Windows 10 startup (or shutdown) sound

When you start Windows or shut down Windows, you will be treated to the well-known Windows jingle. If you want to change the Windows startup sound or disable it completely, in this article I explain how you can adjust the Windows startup sound to your liking.

It is also possible to adjust the startup sound to your own choice of startup sound. You can easily adjust the Windows startup sounds via the Windows settings.

In most cases, however, you must first make a setting via the Windows registry to adjust the startup sound in Windows via the Windows settings. I will explain to you step by step how modifying the Windows registry works.

Change Windows startup sound

To get started, it's important that you first... back-up to be able to repair any problems caused by adjusting the registry.

In the Windows search bar type: regedit.exe. Open the Windows registry editor. In the left menu, navigate through the folder structure below. Click each folder open until you reach the next key.


Change the “ExcludeFromCPL” DWORD value from 1 to 0. Double-click to change.

add windows startup sound settings to the control panel

To also adjust the Windows shutdown sound via the Windows settings, go to the Windows registry editor


Here too, change the “ExcludeFromCPL” DWORD value from 1 to 0. Double-click to change.

add windows shutdown sound settings to the control panel

Once you have made these adjustments in the Windows registry, the options to adjust the startup and shutdown sounds in Windows are available via the Windows settings.

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This is how to adjust the startup sound in Windows.

Right-click on the Windows start button. Click on Settings from the Windows start menu.

windows start menu settings

In the Windows settings menu, click on Personal settings.

windows personal settings

In the Windows 10 personal settings menu on the left, click Themes. Then click Sounds to adjust the sound settings in Windows 10.

windows sound settings

Click the Sound tab and under Program Events, choose Windows Login. In the Sounds field select the desired sound. Click Test to test the startup sound.

If you want to set your own startup sound in Windows as a login sound, click the Browse button. You then select the registration sound of your choice on your computer. This should be a small wav file.

If you start it up want to turn off Windows sound then click on Sounds and select “none”. The Windows startup logon sound is now disabled.

Change windows logon sound

Change Windows shutdown sound

To adjust the Windows logout or shutdown sound, click on Logout Windows from the list under Program Events. In the Sounds field, choose the logout sound you want in Windows.

Change windows logout sound

If you want to set your own shutdown sound in Windows as the logout sound, click the Browse button. You then select the logout sound of your choice on your computer. This should be a small wav file.

If you want to disable the Windows shutdown sound, click on Sounds and select “none”. The Windows logout sound is now disabled.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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