Enable or disable the search bar in the middle of the desktop

Enable or disable the search bar in the middle of the desktop

Microsoft is always testing new functionality in Windows to make things easier for users. A new feature that Microsoft is testing is a search bar in the middle of the desktop.

In In Windows 11, the search bar has already been part of a test, but it was never released in the public version. Microsoft now also uses the same search bar in Windows 10.

It is a search bar located in the middle of the desktop that allows you to perform a search. When you perform a search, the Microsoft Edge browser and the Bing search engine opens with the search result.

Enable or disable search bar in Windows 10

You can enable or disable the search bar in the middle of the desktop. This can be done via the settings in the Microsoft Edge browser, and not where I would expect it via the Windows settings.

Enable or disable search bar in the middle of the desktop

Disable search bar

To disable the search bar, click on the three horizontal dots to the right of the search bar. In the menu, click on “close search bar”. The search bar in the middle of the desktop is now closed and will not open again unless you enable the search bar again.

Close search bar

Enable search bar

Open the Microsoft Edge browser. Click on the menu icon at the top right to open the menu. In the menu, click on “more tools” and then on “Launch search bar”.

Launch search bar in Windows 10 via the Microsoft Edge browser

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