Apple Pay or Apple Enable or disable Card in Safari (macOS)

Apple Pay or Apple Enable or disable Card in Safari (macOS)

As a means of payment, more and more new technologies are being added to make payments easier. Apple has also developed its own payment method called “Apple Pay”.

Apple Pay is a digital payment method that allows you to make payments with your Apple device such as a Mac. Apple Pay was first released in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular payment methods.

With Apple You can pay your Apple Link Mac, iPhone, tablet, etc. to your credit or debit card and then your Apple use device to make payments. Payments are safe, the payment is provided with an extra security layer that works via TouchID or FaceID.

The Safari browser also supports payments via Apple Pay or Apple Card. If you visit a website that Apple Pay supports Safari, then Safari will ask for authorization during checkout Apple Pay to use. This function to check if Apple Pay or Apple Card is used is enabled by default. You can change this feature by turning it on or off.

Apple Pay or Apple Enable or disable Card in Safari (macOS)

To get started, open the Safari browser. In the menu at the top left, click on “Safari” and then on “Settings”. You can also use the “⌘ Command” + “,” key combination.

Click on the “Privacy” tab in the settings to open the privacy settings in Safari.

In the "Apple pay in Apple Card” settings you can select the following option “Allow websites to check if Apple pay in Apple Card be used” on or off to Apple Pay as a payment method in Safari.

Read also
Set up VPN for Mac OS 10.0 or Higher

Allow websites to check if Apple Pay or Apple Card are used

To test whether Apple Pay works properly, you can use the following website:

Apple PayDemo

Lees meer: 30 tips to speed up your Mac.

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