Change the color of the mouse pointer or cursor in macOS

Change the color of the mouse pointer or cursor in macOS

In previous versions of macOS it was not possible to change the color of the mouse pointer or (“cursor”). This has changed in macOS Monterey.

For most people, the black and white mouse pointer is the default and sufficient to clearly see where the cursor is on the screen.

However, this is different for people with visual impairment. That's why it has Apple made it possible to change the color of the cursor without the help of third-party software. This is how it works.

Change mouse pointer or cursor color in macOS

Click on it at the top left Apple icon and click System Preferences in the menu. Then click on “Accessibility”.

accessibility options in mac

In the accessibility options, click on “Display” on the left and then click on the “Pointer” tab.

You can change the outline color of the pointer here, as well as the fill color of the pointer. If you have made an unintentional adjustment and would like to reset the mouse pointer color to white and black, click on “Reset”.

change mouse color in mac

I hope this has helped you change the color of the mouse to your liking in macOS. Thank you for reading!

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