Disable Screen Time notifications in Mac OS

screen time settings mac

Screen Time is a useful functionality in Mac OS that makes it possible to keep track of which and for how long exactly you use specific components and applications in Mac OS.

Screen time is also useful to limit application and device use in children. However, Screen Time's time and stat notifications can become annoying over time.

In this instruction, I will show you step by step how to disable Screen Time notifications in Mac OS.

Turn off Screen Time notifications

Click on it at the top left Apple icon () and select from the System Preferences menu.

system preferences menu mac

In the Mac system settings, click on Notifications and open the Notifications settings.

notification settings mac

To disable the Screen Time notifications. Click on Screen Time in the left menu to open the Screen Time settings.

Then disable Screen Time notifications by clicking on the blue slider to disable notifications.

disable screen time notifications

If desired, you can also choose to use the Notifications can be displayed, but the notifications to adjust. For example, you can display the notifications on the lock screen, preview Screen Time notifications, and show the notifications in the notification center.

Turn off screen time

If you want to disable Screen Time notifications completely by disabling Screen Time itself, you can do this as follows.

Click on it at the top left Apple icon () and select from the System Preferences menu.

system preferences menu mac

In the Mac system settings, click on Screen Time and open the Screen Time settings.

screen time settings mac

In the Screen Time settings, click Options at the bottom left.

disable screen time mac

Then click Disable at the top right to completely disable Screen Time for this specific device (Mac).

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Manage user accounts and administrator accounts in Mac

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