How to Show Hidden Files in Mac Finder?

If you try to show hidden files on a Mac, you will inevitably run into the problem that this setting cannot be found in Mac Finder. Finder is an application that allows Mac users to explore the Mac file system. Finder works the same as Windows Explorer. Of course, Explorer supports making hidden files within the file system visible, while Finder does not. At least, not in the list of settings. It is possible to show files hidden by Finder on a Mac, but this requires a slightly different approach.

Because the Mac file system is based on the UNIX file system, hidden files are indicated with a . (period) at the beginning of the file name.

This way the Finder knows that the files are hidden. If you want to perform an action such as deleting configuration files, deleting a log file or something similar, search for . (dot) hidden files and they are not visible in Finder.

The reason certain files and folders are kept hidden on a Mac is because the Mac file system is a complicated file system with multiple files and folders that you should not edit. If a file is changed or deleted, the entire operating system may no longer work. Precisely because a Mac is so user friendly and the hidden files Not visible by default to most of us, the Mac is billed as user-friendly, and it is.

If you want to make hidden files visible on a Mac, read the following instruction and perform the actions.

Temporarily show hidden files on a Mac

On a Mac, you can temporarily show hidden files. This means that there is a keyboard combination that can show the hidden files and hide them again whenever you want. Very useful because this way you can make a change and immediately hide the files again. Proceed as follows.

Open the folder in Finder whose hidden files you want to see. Then press Command + SHIFT + . key combination.

You will then see the hidden files shown in Finder.

Press the same key combination again to hide the files and folder again.

Show hidden files on a Mac

There is one more way to show hidden files and that is through Terminal. Terminal is a command-line application in Mac that allows you to perform certain actions within the operating system.

This way you can also enable showing hidden files on a Mac. Unlike the above method, this method is permanent until you disable the option to show hidden files. Proceed as follows.

Press Command + Spacebar to open Spotlight, then type in Spotlight: Terminal. A command-line window will open to you.
Type the following commands into Terminal in the order shown below.

  • defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true
  • killall Finder

After executing the above commands, you will see that Finder shows the hidden files.

If you want to hide the files again, replace the word true with false in the first command. Execute that command followed by the second command. The files are now hidden on your Mac again.

Hopefully this how-to has helped you show hidden files on a Mac.

Categories: MacOS

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