Exclude file type or extension from Windows 11/10 indexing

Exclude file type or extension from Windows 11/10 indexing

If for some reason you want to hide certain file types from Windows 11 or Windows 10 search results then this article will help you.

For example, if you don't want certain types of photos or videos to appear in Windows search results, you should configure your computer to exclude these file types from indexing searches.

In Windows, you can show or hide file types in search results. For example, if you don't want to see JPEG photos in search results, you can add that file type to the exclusion list on your computer. After that, it will no longer appear in search results.

Exclude file type or file extension from indexing in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Click on the start button. In the search window type: Indexing Options and click on the Indexing Options result.

Indexing options in Windows

Click the Advanced button to open the advanced indexing options.

Advanced indexing options

Click on the File Types tab. Then, to not index certain file types (extensions) in the Windows search results, uncheck the extension you do not wish to index. You can also add a new file extension to the indexing at the bottom.

Windows does not index certain extensions

After you have adjusted the indexing, you must rebuild the index. You do this by going to the Indexing Settings tab. Then click on troubleshooting Reassemble.

Rebuild Windows indexing

The Windows search index is now being rebuilt.

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