Remove or add “Gallery” in Windows Explorer

Remove or add "Gallery" in Windows Explorer

In update 22h2 for Windows 11 “Gallery” has been introduced. Gallery is designed to give users a more streamlined and accessible way to view and manage their photos.

Gallery provides a central place in Explorer where you can view all your photos. This makes it easier to browse your images without having to open different folders.

Gallery in Windows Explorer

However, some users are not interested in this. You can also remove the Gallery shortcut from Explorer. In this guide I explain how this works. You can also read how you can restore Gallery if you do not have this function or if you have deleted it.

Remove or add “Gallery” in Windows Explorer

Delete gallery

  1. Open Notepad or another text editor.
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the text editor:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  3. Save the file with a “.reg” extension, for example “delete_gallery.reg”.
  4. Double-click the .reg file to merge it with the Windows registry.
  5. Click “Execute”, “Yes” (for User Account Control), “Yes” and “OK” to approve the merge.
  6. If File Explorer is open, close and reopen it to apply the changes.
  7. You can use the downloaded .reg delete file when you no longer need it.

Add gallery

  1. Open Notepad or another text editor.
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the text editor:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  3. Save the file with a “.reg” extension, for example “add gallery_.reg”.
  4. Double-click the .reg file to merge it with the Windows registry.
  5. Click “Execute”, “Yes” (for User Account Control), “Yes” and “OK” to approve the merge.
  6. If File Explorer is open, close and reopen it to apply the changes.
  7. You can delete the downloaded .reg file if you no longer need it.
Read also
Delete user profile folder without deleting account

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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