Transfer signatures in Outlook to a new PC

Transfer signatures in Outlook to a new PC

If you purchase a new computer, or you are going to transfer Outlook to another computer, you can transfer your e-mail signature(s).

Normally, if you install Outlook on another PC and configure your e-mail account, signatures are not transferred. You would then lose an email signature and have to recreate it.

In this article I will explain how to backup your Outlook signatures and use them on a new computer.

Transfer signatures in Outlook to a new PC

Export Outlook signatures

To get started, right-click on the Start button. In the menu, click on “execute”. In the run window type:


open appdata folder

You will see a folder called “Signatures” in this profile folder. These are the Outlook signatures that you have created in the Outlook app.

Right-click the “Signatures” folder and click “Copy” to copy the folder.

Copy Signatures folder

Paste this folder to a location on your computer to back it up. I recommend a secure location such as an external hard drive or USB drive.

Now that you have backed up the Outlook signatures folder, make sure to move it to the other computer where Outlook is already installed. Here too we will move the folder back to the signature location.

Optional: Which Outlook version do I have?

Restore Outlook signatures

To get started, right-click on the Start button. In the menu, click on “execute”. In the run window type:


open appdata folder

You will see a folder called “Signatures” in this profile folder. These are the Outlook signatures that you have created in the Outlook app.

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Copy the folder you backed up earlier. This is the “Signatures” folder in the safe location. After copying, click on free space in the “Microsoft” folder and click “Paste”.

Paste Signatures backup folder

Overwrite the files and folder.

overwrite files in destination folder

If you now open the “Signatures” folder, you will see all the signatures in the new Outlook installation.

Outlook signatures

Now restart the Outlook app and you will see that the signatures are available for the relevant one new accounts.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Transfer old Windows license to a new computer.

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