Enable Compress System Memory (MemoryCompression) in Windows 11

Enable Compress System Memory (MemoryCompression) in Windows 11

Windows 11 has a feature that compresses system memory to improve performance and reduce physical memory usage. This function does this by storing part of the memory in a compressed form in RAM, this function is also known as “MemoryCompression”.

Compressing system memory helps reduce the number of read/write requests from the hard drive, leading to fewer pagefile IO operations and reduced dependency on the hard drive.

Memory compression can help improve the user experience overall. However, additional CPU actions may be required while compressing and decompressing the data.

Compressed memory usage

Windows also uses memory compression to improve the amount of memory to reduce the amount used per process, freeing up RAM to keep more applications in RAM without applying traditional paging. All this helps computer systems with a layer pre-installed geheugen.

Enable MemoryCompression in Windows 11

You should first check whether memory compression is already enabled. If it is not already enabled, you can enable it yourself.

To check if memory compression is already enabled, right-click on the start button. Click Windows Terminal (Admin) to open Windows Terminal.

In the Windows Terminal window type the following command:


You will now immediately see whether memory compression is already enabled or not.

Enable memory compression in Windows 11

If the “MemoryCompression” value is “true” it is enabled and if “false” it is disabled. With “MemoryCompression” value “false”, you can enable it in the following way.

In the Windows Terminal window type:

Enable-MMAgent -mc

Then close the window and restart your computer.

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Manage Windows Windows with Fancyzones (PowerToys)

To disable memory compression, type:

Disable-MMAgent -mc

Then close the window and restart your computer.

Read also: clear virtual memory when shutting down the computer.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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