Disable Airpods automatically connect to Mac

Disable Airpods automatically connect to Mac

Since iOS 14, macOS Big Sur and iPad OS 14 Apple added the auto-connect functionality. Airpods that are near a Apple device connected to the same AppleID will be connected automatically.

When it comes to an iPhone and iPad, the auto-connect feature works as it should. However, if you regularly use your iPhone and your Mac computer together, the Airpods auto-connect functionality can sometimes be very annoying.

Sometimes AirPods automatically switch to Mac when you use them on your iPad, or they refuse to switch back to iPhone even when you receive a call. It is a problem that occurs more often and that personally really bothers me on a regular basis.

Disable Airpods automatically connect to Mac

To disable the auto-connect feature from your Airpods to your Mac, follow the steps below.

In the top left corner click on it Apple icon. In the menu, click System Preferences.

system preferences mac

In the Mac settings click on Bluetooth and open the Bluetooth settings.

Bluetooth settings mac

Make sure your Apple Airpods are connected to your Mac computer. Click on the Apple Airpods in the Bluetooth settings and click on Options.

Airpods bluetooth settings

In Apple Airpods settings change the setting Automatically at Connect to this Mac to Last connected to this Mac. Click Done.

Disable Airpods automatically connect to mac

You now have the automatic connection of your Apple Airpods with your Mac computer turned off. If you have the Apple Now want to connect Airpods to your Mac, click on the Bluetooth icon or the action center at the top of the menu (next to the time) and select the Apple Airpods

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Look up Router IP Address in macOS (3 Tips)

Connect Airpods via Bluetooth Mac

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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