Turn Night Shift on or off on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad

Turn Night Shift on or off on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad

Night Shift is a feature in macOS that has been added since macOS version 10.12.4. Night Shift was previously available for iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad. Night Shift prevents or reduces blue light after a set period.

The Night Shift function changes the color temperature of the screen to the yellowish part of the color spectrum, so that less blue light escapes from the screen. Apple claims that the feature can help users get a better night's sleep by filtering blue wavelengths from the display.

Blue wavelength light stimulates the sensors in your eyes to send signals to your brain's internal clock. Partially or completely switching off blue light via the Night Shift function in macOS should therefore help you sleep better in the evening.

Enable or disable Night Shift on your Mac

To enable Night Shift in macOS, click on it Appleicon in the top left corner. In the menu, click System Preferences.

In the Mac System Preferences, click on Displays.

Display settings mac

Then click on the Night Shift tab.

You can choose three schedules in the Night Shift settings on your Mac. Here's how to choose the Schedule to disable Night Shift.

To adjust the Night Shift schedule to your own wishes, such as your own set time to switch Night on or off, choose the Custom schedule.

The Sunset to Sunrise schedule sets Night Shift so that Night Shift only turns on and off when the sun rises and sets. This time depends on the time zone you are in with your Mac.

The Manual option turns on Night Shift until sunrise. You can also set the color temperature yourself. This allows you to adjust the yellow and blue tones so that it is best for your eyes.

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Enable or disable Night Shift on your iPhone or iPad

Night Shift (removing blue tones) for a better night's sleep is also available on an iPhone or iPad. Night Shift came before iOS before macOS. This is how to enable or disable Night Shift on an iPhone or iPad with iOS installed.

Tap the settings of your iPhone or iPad. In the settings menu, tap Screen & brightness. Then tap Night Shift.

To enable Night Shift scheduled, tap the scheduled button. You will now see a start and end time. Set this time to activate Night Shift and disable Night Shift at the set time.

The option Turn on manually until tomorrow immediately turns Night Shift on until the morning of the next day.

By dragging the Color Temperature slider from left to right you can increase or decrease the blue tint of the screen. This depends on what you like for your eyes.

Night Shift iPhone or iPad

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