How do I stay safe on the internet + 8 answers and tips

The internet is not always a safe place, nor will it ever be. The more we all use the internet, the more people will try to abuse it.

However, there are tips that can help make the internet, and especially the use of the internet, a bit safer. The solution lies with the person who uses the internet. From my knowledge of IT and computer security, I have put together a list of tips that I would share with people who ask me how to stay safe on the internet.

With these tips I try to make people aware and advise them on how to act when using the internet. The goal is to help people get started and inform them without going too deep into technical details, so that it is understandable for every internet user.

How do I stay safe on the internet

Tip 1: Be conscious of what you share on the internet

Using the internet safely starts with you. You have control over what you share on the internet. Therefore, make sure that you are always aware of what you share on the internet. Is it necessary to share personal information? Ask yourself what could possibly be done with this information by people who would like to abuse it.

Social media is a great medium for keeping in touch with friends and loved ones online, but it also has its downsides. It also makes it easier for malicious people to obtain personal or current information about you online. Therefore, keep asking yourself whether the message you share on social media is necessary, and whether you are not sharing too much information (whether unconsciously or not) that you would rather not share?

It might help to gain insight into what kind of digital footprint you leave behind. A tool recently introduced by Malwarebytes lets you check the digital footprint you've left on the internet using your email address. Give it a try and you will be amazed at how much personal information can be found about you on the internet.

Tip 2: Use security software

If you are not very technically savvy yourself, it is recommended to protect your computer or other device against online attacks. By installing software that helps you recognize and stop abuse and online fraud, you add an extra layer of security to the device that can advise you on what to do if, for example, you visit a website that tries to steal your banking details.

Criminals on the internet are getting smarter and making more and more victims. It would be haughty to say that they are unable to deceive you. If there is software active that can protect you online, this software can use certain tactics and recognize you that you are visiting a rogue website or downloading a dangerous file.

I previously put together an article in which I recommend various browser extensions that can protect you against dangerous websites. If you are looking for specific software to protect you against phishing, malware and more, I recommend Try Malwarebytes for free for 14 days.

Tip 3: Keep software up to date

The third tip is also about software. At all times, ensure that the software you have installed on your computer or other device is always updated to the latest version. This is especially important for the Internet browser, email client and device operating system.

An easy way to update your computer with updates is via Patch My PC software. Patch My PC is a free, user-friendly program that keeps more than 300 applications on your computer up to date. It's an easy way to update or install a large list of programs on your computer.

An important part of staying safe online is keeping your computer up to date. Hackers like to target outdated software. Outdated software often contains security vulnerabilities, bugs and other issues that are usually resolved in the latest version. These are some of the reasons why it is essential to keep the apps updated.

Tip 4: Using strong passwords

Many services and websites still require you to create a user account with a password. It is important that you always use different passwords. Never use the same password on different services or websites.

It regularly happens that a website is hacked and customer data is stolen, including passwords. By getting a different password, criminals cannot reuse passwords and log in to other services that you also use.

I recommend using a password vault where you can store and manage all passwords from one place. Various services are available for this, such as: Dashlane, North pass, LastPass and the free program Keepass. If you create passwords, make sure you also use a strong password. I have 6 tips put together to create a strong password.

Tip 5: Enable two-factor authentication

If the service supports it, enable two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security method that adds an extra layer of protection on top of your usual login procedure. When you set up 2FA, a second form of authentication is required in addition to your password to access your account. This helps to ensure that it is really you trying to log in.

Not every service or website supports 2FA, but it is becoming increasingly the norm. If the service supports 2FA, enable it as well. It makes it more difficult for criminals who have stolen your password to log in.

Tip 6: Think before you click on something

While criminals still technically try to break into computers, the most common form of crime is on the Internet; phishing.

Phishing is a type of cyber attack in which online scammers try to steal sensitive information from you, such as passwords, credit card numbers and other personal details, by pretending to be a trustworthy person. This is usually done via email, but can also take place via phone calls, text messages, or social media.

Example: In a typical phishing attack, the attacker sends an email that appears to come from a legitimate source, such as a bank, social network, or online service. The email may contain an urgent message urging you to click a link or open an attachment. The link often leads to a fake website that looks like a trustworthy site where you are asked to enter personal information. The attachments may contain malicious software that, once opened, can infect your device.

So always think about when you need to click or respond to something. Criminals, especially phishing-related criminals, often try to create a sense of urgency. With this they want to prevent you from thinking longer and acting faster and therefore from making any mistakes. Try to remain calm, think and, above all, do not just respond to unknown emails, phone calls or messages. To be on the safe side, if in doubt, always contact an official agency to verify whether what is reported is correct. The same can also be done with a family member if you are less technically savvy.

Tip 7: Do research

This tip is an extension of the tip described above. Every day, people still fall victim to misleading online stores or when purchasing on sales platforms such as Marktplaats, eBay and social media. Here too, if you want to buy something, do thorough research. Don't accept deals, high discounts and unrealistic prices. These are often tricks used by rogue sellers to scam people online.

Now it's easier said than done; do research. Here are some tips that can help prevent online scams.


For web shops, check the seller. You can do this by searching for his or her name on the internet, entering the account number or looking for reviews of the webshop. When it comes to fraudulent web shops, not much is known. The information that is known is limited because these web shops often do not exist for very long. A tip I would give is to look up the “WHOIS” overview of the website address.

A WHOIS overview is information about the website address. It provides information about the owner of the website and especially how long the website has been around. If the webshop website has not been around for very long, then this is definitely a red flag. Even if no information or limited information is known about the webshop, this is also a red flag. You can request a WHOIS overview here.

Marktplaats or other online sales platforms

To identify a scammer on Marktplaats, look for offers that seem too good to be true, such as extremely low prices. Be careful of sellers who pressure you to act quickly or require prepayment via untraceable methods.

Check the seller's reliability by looking at their reviews and account history. Avoid sharing personal information and be alert to unusual payment methods.

Where possible, try to see the product in person or use secure payment options such as PayPal or Marktplaats's direct payment service. If you meet physically, do so in a public place that you know. Do not meet at your home to avoid possible attempts with a scammer later.

Social media

Many scammers are active on social media. It gives scammers a wide reach and has limited research options, ideal for scammers to scam people.

To identify scammers on social media, be wary of unsolicited messages from strangers trying to sell something or asking for personal information. Check the completeness and age of profiles; new or incomplete profiles are often suspicious.

Be skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true, such as extremely low prices or incredible job opportunities. Beware of vague promises and exaggerated claims without evidence.

Be wary of requests to send money, especially through non-refundable methods, and be alert to quick actions and fear tactics that put you under pressure.

Poor grammar and spelling can also be red flags. Verify information online to check the legitimacy of the offer and use secure payment methods when purchasing. When in doubt, trust your instincts and end the interaction to stay safe on social media.

Tip 8: Make backups

The last, but most important tip I can give; make backups. If you have important files, such as photos, documents, etc., make sure you back up these types of files in some way. There are tools available for making backups for every operating system, so use them.

If something unexpectedly goes wrong due to an attack, a technical glitch or user error, you can always retrieve important files with a backup.

I hope this article has helped raise awareness and tips on how to use the internet safely. I have tried to provide as many handles and tools as possible so that it remains understandable for everyone and can also be used. Thank you for reading!

Categories: Malware