Enable Remote Desktop in Windows 11? This is how!

Enable Remote Desktop in Windows 11? This is how!

Remote desktop in Windows 11 provides users with a Windows 11 Pro (professional) license the ability to connect to the PC from another location.

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The remote desktop feature in Windows 11 is disabled by default. You can enable it through Windows 11 settings.

What else you need to connect via remote desktop to a PC is a user account, the IP address or name of the Windows 11 PC you want to connect to.

Enable Remote Desktop in Windows 11

To enable remote desktop, right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on Settings.

Open Settings in Windows 11

Click on “System” in the left menu and then on “Remote Desktop”. You will find this function at the bottom of the system settings.

Remote desktop settings in Windows 11

Enable remote desktop by clicking the power button. You must then confirm the message “You and other users under User Accounts can access the PC remotely”.

Enable Remote Desktop in Windows 11

By default, it uses remote desktop port 3389, you can change this.

If you have enabled remote desktop you will see the name of the PC. In the network where the PC is located, this is the name to which another device should connect. However, you can also use the PC's IP address.

Remote desktop - name of the PC

There is one more option we need to enable to enable remote desktop on this PC. Go back to the settings and click on System on the left. Navigate all the way to the bottom until you reach “Info” and click on it.

Open the device specifications and then click the “Advanced system settings” link.

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Advanced system settings

Click on the “External Connections” tab and check whether the following two options are enabled.

  • Allow remote connections to this computer.
  • Allow connections only to computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended).

Allow remote connections to this computer

By clicking the “Select Users” button you can manage users who can access this PC via remote desktop.

By default, every user account has something is a member of the group “administrators” access to this PC via remote desktop. However, if you also have standard users and want to give them access via remote desktop, you can add or remove them.

Users with remote desktop access

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Would you rather use software? Read the 5 best remote desktop tools for Windows 11.

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