Hide clock in Windows 11? This is how you turn off the clock

Hide clock in Windows 11? This is how you turn off the clock

I've written before about how to... hide clock on a Windows 10 PC. Because more and more people are switching to Windows 11, I am now also making an article about how to hide the clock in Windows 11.

There are several reasons why people want to turn off the clock. The most obvious reason is that it offers a minimalist look. Also offers hiding the clock in the taskbar or system tray, so you are no longer aware of the date and time. By turning off the clock you can then focus on more important things.

Turning off the clock is not an option you will find in the settings. The settings are normally the place to manage all options in Windows 11, but turning off the clock is not a standard setting.

It is still possible to change the time and date format. To hide the clock, it is best to download an app and use this app to hide the clock. If you do not want this, you can read below how you can hide the time and date by changing the time format.

Hide clock in Windows 11? This is how you turn off the clock

Win11 Clock Toggler

To hide the clock download Win11ClockToggler to your computer. Extract the ZIP file and place the contents in a location convenient to you.

The advantage of this app is that it offers two types of appearance. For example, you can download the “CLI” version to hide the clock via a command prompt. Or you download the “GUI” version to use a full app that allows you to hide the clock by clicking a button.

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I recommend downloading the “GUI” version if you have no intentions of running this app in a script or other type of command prompt. Make sure you download the latest version.

Win11ClockToggler GUI

Open the Win11ClockToggler app on your PC. To immediately hide the clock in the taskbar, click on the “Toggle visibility” button.

Hide clock in Windows 11

You will immediately see that the clock, date and system tray have been removed from the taskbar. The clock is now turned off.

Disable clock in Windows 11

If you now move the mouse over the date and time position, the time and date will be displayed again. If you do not want this, disable the “Show on hover” option. You can optionally display the “notification area”, the overflow menu. Enable the “Notification area” option.

To close the app, click “Restore & Exit”. The time and date will then become visible again. To continue hiding the time and date, click the “minimize” icon at the top. The app then remains active. Press the Win + SHIFT + F7 key combination to unhide Win11ClockToggler and change options.

Win11 Clock Toggler

Hide time and date

To remove the time and date from the taskbar, right-click the Start button. In the menu click on “execute”. In the run window type: intl.cpl

In the country/region settings, click on the “more settings” button at the bottom.

More settings

Then click on the “Time” tab and change the “short time format” to “s”.

Change short time format

Now click on the “Date” tab and change the “short date format” to “dddd” for just the day of the week, or “dd” for an abbreviation of the day of the week. Unfortunately, it has to include the day of the week, completely empty is not possible.

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Change short date format

You will now see that the time and date in the taskbar has been removed. Only the notation of the day is still visible. Once again this cannot be removed, this change is not accepted in it date format field.

Date and time removed from the taskbar

Also read: Change clock format and settings in Windows 11.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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