Block or unblock proxy settings in Windows 10 or Windows 11

Block or unblock proxy settings in Windows 10/11

If you use the internet, you can do so directly, via a vpn or through one proxy server. A proxy server acts as a gateway between you and the Internet. It is a server that separates end users from the websites they visit.

If you have a workstation or a work server environment, it may be useful to block certain settings. So you can also block access to the proxy settings in both Windows 11 as in Windows 10.

You can block the proxy settings by making an adjustment in the Windows registry. By adjusting the registry you can block the settings for the proxy. Users who consult the proxy settings will then see the following message: Some of these settings are managed by your organization.

Block proxy settings in Windows

You can also use the steps below to unblock the proxy settings. You must be an administrator of the PC for this.

Block or unblock proxy settings in Windows 10 or Windows 11

To begin open the Windows registry. Go to the key:


Right-click on “Microsoft”. In the menu, click New and then Key. Give this key the following name “Internet Explorer”. Then right-click on “Internet Explorer” and click on New and then on Key. Name this key “Control Panel”.

Now right-click on “Control Panel”. In the menu, click on New and then on “DWORD (32-bit) value”. Name this value “Proxy”. Double-click “Proxy” and change the value data to “1”, without quotes.

Below you can see the result of the adjustment in the Windows registry.

Read also
Enable Compress System Memory (MemoryCompression) in Windows 11

Block or unblock proxy settings in Windows

To unblock the proxy settings, change “Proxy” to “0”.

Now open Windows Terminal. In the Terminal window type:

gpupdate /force

You have now applied the policy to the computer. The proxy settings are now disabled or enabled.

gpupdate force

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Block Quick Settings in Windows 10 or Windows 11.

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