Add Task Manager to the taskbar menu

Add Task Manager to the taskbar menu

In Windows 11 22H2 update new features are introduced. These are functions such as tabs for Windows Explorer and more.

These features are being added to Windows 11 piece by piece. New features are being added, but these features are not always immediately visible.

A feature that has been added, but is not yet immediately visible to everyone, is a shortcut to task management in the taskbar.

Task manager in the taskbar on a Windows 11 PC

In Windows 10 as an example, this function was already there. Opening the task manager is easy by right-clicking on free space in the taskbar. A menu will appear and from this menu you can open task manager directly.

You can also add task manager to the taskbar on a Windows 11 computer. For this you need to make a small adjustment using a tool.

The task manager shortcut in the taskbar will become available to everyone in later updates of Windows 11. If you want to add the task manager shortcut to the taskbar now, you can do this as follows.

Add Task Manager to the taskbar menu

To begin download ViVeTools to your computer with Windows 11 22H2.

download vivetools

Then open the ZIP file and extract all files into a folder of your choice. Click Extract.

unzip vivetools

Copy the path to the clipboard. We need this path to the vivetool files.

copy vivetool path

Then open one Command Prompt as Administrator. In the Command Prompt, first use the “cd” command to go to the folder where ViVetool.exe is located.

In the Command Prompt type:

vivetool.exe /enable /id:36860984

vivetool enable id 36860984

Now restart your computer. If you right-click on free space in the taskbar after the restart, you will see a menu with “task manager”.

Read also
Block Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) in Windows 11/10

Also read: customize taskbar in windows 11.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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