Enable tabs in Windows Explorer on a Windows 11 PC

Enable tabs in Windows Explorer on a Windows 11 PC

Since the Windows 11 22H2 update it is possible to enable the tabs in Windows Explorer via an app.

Officially, the tabs in Windows Explorer are not yet supported. At least, not at the time of writing this article.

You can still enable the tabs in Windows Explorer using a tool called “vivetools”. This tool allows you to add features and features to Windows 11 that are not yet officially available.

These are hidden features and components that have been added to certain releases of Windows 11, but have not yet been activated. By using vivetools you can activate these function(s) or parts, such as the tabs in Windows Explorer.

Enable tabs in Windows Explorer on a Windows 11 PC

To begin download ViVeTools to your computer with Windows 11.

download vivetools

Then open the ZIP file and extract all files into a folder of your choice. Click Extract.

unzip vivetools

Copy the path to the clipboard. We need this path to the vivetool files.

copy vivetool path

Then open one Command Prompt as Administrator. In the Command Prompt, first use the “cd” command to go to the folder where ViVetool.exe is located.

In the Command Prompt type:

vivetool.exe /enable /id:37634385
vivetool.exe /enable /id:39145991
vivetool.exe /enable /id:36354489

vivetool to enable tabs in windows 11

Now restart your computer. After the restart, you will see that Windows 11 22H2 and higher now have tabs via Windows Explorer.

Windows explorer tabs in Windows 11

Read all about how to do this here tabs used.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Windows 11 was installed and now, just like in the previous version, I want to customize my own stationery (previously it was a voyage of discovery) and my own font for my e-mails. However, I can't find this anywhere. In the previous version I simply had to go to file at the top left, but on my current desktop I don't see "file" anywhere. Is this hidden somewhere? Please provide information

    1. Hello, you may find the answer here: https://support.microsoft.com/nl-nl/office/briefpapier-achtergronden-of-thema-s-toepassen-op-e-mailberichten-e24fc237-62e1-4361-82a3-d8a7467d2b7e

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