Copy text from an image via PowerToys

Copy text from an image via PowerToys

Microsoft has introduced a new version of PowerToys. This new version includes a new tool called “Text Extractor”.

Text Extractor works much like OCR (Joe Finney's Text Grab). This function makes it possible to select text in an image. This selected text is then converted from image to plain text.

You can then paste the plain text copied from the image into a text editor or wherever you need the text. The big advantage of Text Extractor is that it is free to use via PowerToys. In addition, it works with a simple key combination and you only have to select the text in the image by dragging the mouse over the text. Copying the plain text to the clipboard then happens automatically.

Copy text from an image via PowerToys

To begin download PowerToys to your computer. Then install the app on your computer.

On the left side of the menu, click on “Text Extractor”.

Text Extractor in PowerToys

With the standard keyboard shortcut combination Windows key + Shift + T, you will see an overlay on the screen. Click and hold your primary mouse button and drag to identify your text in the image. The text will be saved to the clipboard.

OCR text in image to plain text

Holding down shift switches from resizing the capture area to moving the capture area. When you release shift, you can adjust the size again.

When you are done, you can paste the text using the shortcut CTRL + V. In addition to recognizing text from an image, PowerToys can do much more:

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