Prevent users from changing the password

Prevent users from changing the password

If you want to prevent a standard user account on your Windows 11 whether Windows 10 PC can change the password, then this is possible.

It is possible to prevent a user from changing the password. However, this is only possible for standard user accounts. It is therefore not possible to prevent one “administrator” account can change the password.

There are a number of reasons to block password changes. This is desirable, for example, in a situation where you lend the computer to a family member.

Creating a standard user account prevents this user from making adjustments via the settings in the operating system. It also prevents the user apps can install. By subsequently applying this policy you can prevent this standard user from using the password can be changed.

Prevent users from changing the password

Make sure you are logged in with an “administrator” account.

To disable password change, you must use computer management. Right-click on the Start button. In the menu, click on “Computer Management”.

Open Computer Management

Then click on “Local users and groups” in the menu on the left and then on “Users”. Double-click the user account that you want to prevent from changing the password of this account.

In the “General” tab, enable the option “User cannot change password”. Make sure you have selected a standard user account.

User cannot change password

If you have accidentally selected an administrator account, you will see the following error message.

“The following error occurred while attempting to save user properties… This operation is not allowed because it could disable, delete, or disable an administrator account from being used for login.”

Read also
Enable advanced search in Windows 11

So make sure you adjust a standard user account. Read here how to do it account type.

This operation is not allowed

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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