Disable Windows Firewall in Windows 11

Disable Windows Firewall in Windows 11

Like its predecessors, Windows 11 also has a built-in firewall Windows Defender is managed by. This firewall protects your computer against malware attacks and all kinds of malicious apps when you connect to the Internet. It uses predefined rules to protect your computer from malicious applications.

Some third-party antivirus software also comes with its own firewall. When you install it, the Windows firewall is automatically disabled. If you stop antivirus or uninstall your PC, the firewall will activate and start protecting your computer.

However, if you cannot access the Internet or there are problems on your PC, and you suspect that firewall may be the root cause, you can disable this Windows firewall.

Disable Windows Firewall in Windows 11

Right-click on the start button. Click on Settings in the menu. Click on Privacy & security in the menu on the left. Then click on Windows Security.

Open the Windows security settings by clicking the Open Windows security button. On the left, click Firewall and Network Security. Then open the “Public network” setting or another network that is (active).

Firewall and network security settings in Windows 11

Disable the “Microsoft Defender Firewall”. This makes your device vulnerable. Click again to re-enable the “Microsoft Defender Firewall”.

Disable Microsoft Defender firewall

The tip below is optional.

Are you experiencing problems with the Windows Firewall?

To reset the Firewall settings after a potentially unwanted change, go back to the Firewall and Network Security settings.

Click on the link: Restore firewalls to default values.

Set firewalls to default values

Confirm the Firewall reset again by clicking the button: Restore default settings.

Read also
How to Disable Login Screen in Windows 10 - Complete Guide

Restore firewall default settings

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  1. Hello Stefano. We have all tried this, but it doesn't work. You can restore Windows 11 without losing anything. I also have no other virus program. This happened after I installed Windows 11.

  2. I installed Windows 11 because that is what the laptop indicated and after this update my Windows firewall no longer worked. It is active but I can no longer turn it on. I have tried everything. Can you help me?

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