Adjust Command Prompt settings in Windows 11

Adjust Command Prompt settings in Windows 11

Windows Command Prompt is a powerful utility that provides a simple, yet effective way to interact with the operating system and installed apps. The Command Prompt is not exactly a feast for the eyes.

Even during the recent Windows design refresh, Microsoft left “Command Prompt” virtually untouched.

Nevertheless, you can customize some key aspects of the Command Prompt, such as the font, outline, and colors, to give it a personal touch. This is how it works.

Adjust Command Prompt settings in Windows 11

To begin open the Command Prompt. Right-click the title bar and click Properties on the menu.

Open Command Prompt properties

Adjust font size and color in Command Prompt

Most users want to change the font size or font color in Command Prompt. Some because they like it better, others because it helps with visual impairments.

Click on the Font tab. Here you can choose from different font sizes. The default size of the font is 16. You can also adjust the Font itself, the font. You can also choose to display the font “bold”, in other words in bold print.

Change font in Command Prompt

To adjust the color, click on the Colors tab.

Here you have the choice to adjust 4 different parts of the Command Prompt.

Screen text

Screen text is the text you see on the screen. You can enter a color value in RGB or select a color. At the bottom you will immediately see an example of what the Command Prompt window will look like after the change.

Screen background

If you want to give the background a different color, first select “Screen background” and then select a color or manually set a color via the RGB color codes.

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Pop-up text

If you want to give the pop-up text a different color, first select “Pop-up text” and then select a color or manually set a color via the RGB color codes.

Pop-up background

If you want to give the pop-up background a different color, first select “Pop-up background” and then select a color or manually set a color via the RGB color codes.

Adjust Command Prompt colors

Transparent background for Command Prompt

Some users want to make the background for the Command Prompt transparent. Click on “Screen Background” and change the “Madness” to the percentage of your choice. You can immediately see in an example how transparent the background of the Command Prompt becomes after this change.

Transparent background Command Prompt

Adjust command prompt layout

If you want to adjust the size of the Command Prompt window. So if you want the Command Prompt window to resize when you open it, here's how to do it.

Click on the Layout tab. Then to adjust the window size, change the width and height to the desired size. In the right preview window you can immediately see what the adjustment looks like.

You can also adjust the window position on the screen by changing the settings. Screen buffer size is the amount of text that will fit in the window, only adjust this if you know what you are doing. All values ​​in the image below are the default values.

Command prompt layout

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