Do not automatically restart the computer in case of an error message

Do not automatically restart the computer in case of an error message

In the event of a serious error or even a crash, Windows 11 will restart the computer. Windows does this to prevent it from getting stuck in an unusable state with an error message.

In general, it's good that Windows does this. This prevents the computer from entering the computer hangs and that you as a user can get back to work as quickly as possible.

However, there is also a disadvantage. If the computer keeps restarting due to error messages, then the computer is in a freeze state “loop“. This causes the computer to keep freezing and restarting itself. A second disadvantage is that this does not provide a solution.

A solution would be that you can analyze the error message and create one problem solving you can search for. If the computer keeps restarting, you have little time to analyze the error message.

In this guide you can read how you can prevent your computer from restarting after a serious error message or crash. This allows you to analyze the error code and check the event logs as to why the computer crashed.

Do not automatically restart the computer in case of an error message

Open the settings. In the settings, click on “System” and then on “Info” at the bottom.

Open computer system settings

In the “related links” section, click the “Advanced system settings” link.

Open advanced system settings

In the “System Properties” click on the “Advanced” tab and then on the “Settings” button in the “Startup and recovery settings”.

Computer does not automatically restart after an error message or freeze

To prevent the computer from restarting after a serious error message or crash, disable the “Automatically restart the computer” option.

All right, an event has been logged in the system log. You can use this find the following way. This will allow you to find out why the computer may be showing error codes or freezing.

Read also
KB5036980 for Windows 11 will not download or install

I recommend.

  1. Read article Windows 11 keeps crashing for more tips.
  2. Run a memory test.
  3. Automatically repair Windows system files.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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