Add Recycle Bin as a shortcut to Windows Explorer

Add Recycle Bin as a shortcut to Windows Explorer

This article will show you how to add the recycle bin to the Windows Explorer.

Adding the recycle bin as a shortcut to Windows Explorer helps you access the recycle bin from Explorer more easily. This way you always have a shortcut ready, without first to go to the desktop, can open directly. It is a PC tip that makes working with Windows 11 or Windows 10 just that little bit easier and more personal.

Add Recycle Bin as a shortcut to Windows Explorer

To add a shortcut to the recycle bin in the Explorer we need to make adjustments in the Windows registry.

Open the Windows registry. Go to key:


Right-click on “CLSID” and click “New” and then “Key”. Give this key the following name:


Now right-click on “{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}” and click on “New” and then on “DWORD (32-bit) Value”. Name this value:


Double-click the value data and set the value data to “1” to add the trash bin to Explorer.

Add Recycle Bin as a shortcut to Windows Explorer

Now close Windows Explorer and open Windows Explorer again. You will now see a trash can shortcut on the left side of File Explorer just below “This computer".

Recycle Bin shortcut in File Explorer

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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