Block right mouse click menu in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Block right mouse click menu in Windows 11 or Windows 10

A right-click is widely used in the Windows operating system. The right-click menu opens an additional context menu for options, depending on what you click.

In some cases you may want to block the right mouse click menu. This is necessary, for example, if you share the computer or have made it available to third parties. By disabling the right-click menu you can prevent settings from being adjusted.

This article shows you how to disable access to the right-click menu via the Windows registry. You can read how to block the right-click menu for the taskbar, the start menu and for Windows Explorer.

Block right mouse click menu in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Right-click menu block for the taskbar

To prevent users from right-clicking the customize the taskbar change the key below in the Windows registry.

Open the Windows registry. Go to the key:


Right-click on “Explorer” click on New and then on DWORD 32-bit value. Name this value “NoTrayContextMenu” and change the value data to “1” to block right-click on the taskbar and to “0” to enable right-click on the taskbar.


Restart your computer to block the right-click on the taskbar.

Right-click menu block for the Start menu

To prevent users from right-clicking it Can customize the start menu change the key below in the Windows registry.

Open the Windows registry. Go to the key:


Right-click on “Explorer” click on New and then on DWORD 32-bit value. Name this value “DisableContextMenusInStart” and change the value data to “1” to disable the right-click in the Start menu and to “0” to enable the right-click in the Start menu.

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Remove bloatware apps in Windows 10


Restart your computer to block the right-click in the Start menu.

Right-click menu block in Windows Explorer or the desktop

To prevent users from right-clicking the Windows Explorer can customize, or the desktop then change the key below in the Windows registry.

Open the Windows registry. Go to the key:


Right-click on “Explorer” click on New and then on DWORD 32-bit value. Name this value “NoViewContextMenu” and change the value data to “1” to block the right mouse click in Windows Explorer and to “0” to enable the right mouse click in Windows Explorer.


Restart your computer to block the right mouse click in Windows Explorer.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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