Create Windows restore point when computer starts

Create Windows restore point when computer starts

The creating a Windows restore point is an easy way to restore Windows to a specific point in time.

For example, when you install new software or make important system changes, an automatic restore point can be of some sort act as a backup. If something goes wrong during the installation process or the new software causes problems, you can restore your computer to the point before the changes were made.

If you want to be sure that a restore point is always available, you can have Windows create an automatic restore point when you start the computer. This is not standard functionality. You must create a task via task planner. I explain how this works in this guide.

Please note that automatically creating a restore point uses more and more disk space. So a restore point is created every time the computer is restarted or started. So whether you want this is something to consider before proceeding.

Create Windows restore point when computer starts

To get started, open the task scheduler. Right-click on the Start button and click “run”. In the run window type: taskschd.msc

taskschd msc

Right-click on “task scheduler library” and then click “create task”.

create new task

Click on the “general” tab and enter a recognizable name for the new task. In the “Security Options”, enable the “Run regardless of whether user is logged in or not” options. After this, enable the “run with most privileges” option.

task name

Click on the “triggers” tab. Change the “Start this task” option to “On login”.

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triggers when logging in

Now click on the “Actions” tab. Change the “Action” to “Start program”. In the “Program/script” field, type:


In the “Add parameters (optional) field, copy and paste:

-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Checkpoint-Computer -Description """Automatisch herstelpunt bij opstarten door %username%""" -RestorePointType "MODIFY_SETTINGS""

new action

Click on the “Conditions” tab. Uncheck the "Start the task only when the computer is on AC power" option. This is your own choice, choose what you want.

task conditions

Click OK. Because the task must be performed as an administrator, you must do it password of your user account to enter.

password for admin task

Now restart your computer. You will now see that a restore point has been created after booting. Please note that it may take some time for the restore point to be created.

Read here how to view restore points.

Create Windows restore point when computer starts

You can use the also delete restore points for example to free up disk space. If you no longer want to create an automatic restore point during startup, you can delete the task you created from task scheduler.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Automatically back up the Windows registry.

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1 reaction
  1. Dear Stephen,
    Thank you !!! It really works. I've been trying it out for a few days now. Now test whether the reset works fine.
    With grateful regards,
    Johan Christiaens

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