Reinstall Windows Defender in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Reinstall Windows Defender in Windows 11 or Windows 10

If you experience problems with Windows defender (“Windows security”), it may help to reinstall this protection.

Some users experience problems starting Windows Defender, for example after uninstalling antivirus software. Problems are also reported too often with one Windows defender link error message.

To resolve problems with Windows Defender, you can reinstall Windows Defender. Even though Windows Defender is a standard part of Windows 11 and Windows 10 you cannot reinstall this protection through the settings.

If you windows defender To reinstall you must use PowerShell. This is a scripting language that restores certain functions in Windows in the background, including the Windows defender function.

Reinstall Windows Defender in Windows 11 or Windows 10

To reinstall Windows Defender you need: administrator rights required in Windows. Make sure you are logged in with one administrator account.

Right-click on the Start button. Click on "Windows Terminal (administrator)” or “PowerShell (admin)” in the menu.

Open Windows Terminal Manager

We'll go first Set PowerShell to a policy so that all scripts can be run. This prevents the code needed to reinstall Windows Defender cannot be executed.

In the PowerShell window copy and paste the following code:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Then copy and paste the following code:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

You will now see blue text with lines of code running. Sometimes you will see a red error message in between saying “Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D02, The package could not be installed because resources were
changes to be made are currently in use.';

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This is no problem at all. This means that packages being installed are already in use. The code continues as normal, waiting for the process to complete.

Reinstall Windows Defender

After the code has been executed, reset the policy as it was. Copy and paste the following code:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Default

Now open Windows Defender again. You will see that Windows Defender (“Windows Security”) has now been successfully reinstalled.

Windows defender has been reinstalled

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Hello, I have implemented your tip but I still have the problem that in the Windows security screen I see a completely white screen and on the left only the <- the 3 horizontal stripes and house start
    otherwise the screen is completely white
    What can I do now to fix this?
    I also tried to install an external virus scanner (avast free) for testing, but that also gives an error message, so I don't know anymore.

    1. Hello, you can reset “Windows Security”.

      Search for “Windows security” via the taskbar. Right-click on the result. In the menu, click on “App Settings”. Then click “Reset”. Now restart your computer.

      Now check whether Windows security is working properly.

  2. Microsoft Defender starts up every morning that I have to run the quick scan?
    I have tried everything, but I always have to do the quick scan again
    What can be done about this???

    BV thanks


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