Pin Trash to the taskbar in Windows 11 or 10

Pin Trash to the taskbar in Windows 11 or 10

If you are someone who prefers clean and tidy desktop, then pinning the trash can to the taskbar may help.

By pinning the trash can to the taskbar you won't have any desktop icon need more to get the trash can. On the other hand, if you are someone who prefers to have quick access to the Trash, for example also in full screen mode, then you can always access the Trash this way from the taskbar.

In this article, we will go through steps to pin the trash bin to the taskbar. This does not require any third-party tool, you can do this directly from Windows 11 or 10. This is how it works.

Pin Trash to the taskbar in Windows 11 or 10

To get started, right-click on free space on the desktop. Click on “New” and then on “Shortcut”.

new shortcut

In the “Enter the location of the item” field, enter the following path:

%systemroot%\explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

Specify the location of the item

Now enter a name for the new shortcut that is recognizable as trash.

Shortcut name

You now have a new desktop shortcut pointing to the Recycle Bin. Right click on it and click “properties”.

Trash can shortcut properties

We will now set a recognizable icon for the shortcut. To do this, click on the “Other icon” button.

Set different icon for trash can shortcut

In the path “Search this file for icons” type and confirm with the ENTER key:


Then select the trash can icon and click “OK”.

Select trash icon

Right-click the shortcut with the new icon again. In Windows 11, first click on “Show more options” and then on “Pin to taskbar”.

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Pin Trash to the taskbar in Windows 11 or 10

You now have the trash bin pinned to the taskbar. Clicking on the trash can shortcut will open the contents of the trash.

Pin trash can to taskbar

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading! Learn more about what you can pin to the taskbar.

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  1. Dear Stephen,

    Thank you very much for the clear explanation. Creating a shortcut & adding it to the taskbar was successful!

    However, it might be a good idea to mention at the bottom of your explanation how to remove the original trash can icon from your desktop. I quickly managed to do this after some Googling 😉

    Settings -> personal settings -> themes -> desk icon settings -> check trash -> click OK.


    1. To do that, you first have to move something to the trash. After this, open the recycle bin via the taskbar and right-click on the item in the recycle bin and click “delete”. This is how it works. If you don't see anything in the trash then you haven't moved anything to the trash. You may have deleted it directly via an app or by pressing the key combination SHIFT + DELETE, which will skip the move to the Trash.

    1. Hi Rene,
      you mean you can tell by the icon? The icon on the taskbar is only to open the trash, the icon on the taskbar does not change either. If you mean something else, I'd love to read it.

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