Make Windows Explorer faster when opening many files

Make Windows Explorer faster when opening many files

If you open a folder with many files in it, think of thousands of files, Windows Explorer becomes slow.

The Explorer becomes slow because it has to determine every file in the folder. For each file, the Explorer tries to determine which type of file it is and tries to retrieve its metadata. You can imagine that loading a folder with a lot of files in it will be considerably slower.

In this article I explain how to use the Windows Explorer You can make it faster by disabling determining the file type when loading a folder. To do this you need to make an adjustment in the Windows registry.

Make Windows Explorer faster when opening a folder with many files

Before you continue, create one backup of the Windows registry, an system backup or a restorepoint.

Via Windows registry

To begin open the Windows registry. Go to key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\AllFolders\Shell\

Right-click on “Shell” and click “New” and then “String Value”. Name this new string value:


Now double-click on “FolderType” and set the value data to:


Make Windows Explorer faster when opening many files

Now restart your computer. After the restart, you will notice that Windows Explorer loads a folder with many files faster.

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